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How can you drive crop efficiency with biostimulants?

Written by ATP Nutrition | 4-Jun-2020 7:37:32 PM

How can you drive your crop efficiency with a biostimulant? 

A plant biostimulant is defined as a substance or micro organism that, when applied to seeds, plants or rhizosphere, stimulates natural processes to enhance or benefit:

  • nutrient uptake
  • nutrient efficiency
  • tolerance to abiotic stress
  • crop quality
  • yield

Source: US Agriculture Improvement Act 2018 (2018 Farm Bill)

Watch the video below (approximately 3 minutes) to learn:

  • What is a biostimulant
  • Different types of biostimulants
  • What to expect when using a biostimulant
  • Options to incorporate a biostimulant into your crop plans

If you have any questions about how biostimulants can fit into your nutritional plans this season, please contact you local ATP representative.