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Understanding the Underground Universe

Report by Clara Shelton, Marketing Communications Assistant

Gardening columnist Adrian Higgins doesn’t like the word “dirt.” In a recent article in the Washington Post, he explains the vast network of organisms that make up a diverse, underground “cosmos.” While many articles on soil health understandably focus on farming, Higgins discusses a study of soil samples in New York’s Central Park that indicated hundreds of thousands of organisms below the surface. Studying soil in various parts of the world shows how disparate climates and ecosystems are actually quite similar on a microscopic level.

By understanding the major players—earthworms, insects, other arthropods, nematodes, protozoa, bacteria and fungi—growers and gardeners can learn how to improve the quality of their soil without adding in harmful substances.

Read the article here.


Concentric (formerly Inocucor) is an agri-tech company that develops biological and essential plant nutrient inputs for specialty and broadacre crops. Its products target the entire phyto-microbiome: the seeds, plants, root systems and the soil surrounding them. Concentric is headquartered in Centennial, Colo. Its Canadian headquarters and Technical Center of Excellence is located in Montreal. Its commercial business unit, ATP Nutrition, is based in Manitoba, Canada.

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