Post-harvest is a critical time for replenishing essential nutrient levels in perennial crops including almonds. During post-harvest, root activity and nutrient uptake is necessary as the tree prepares for winter dormancy. Microbes and metabolites in IN-M1* actively promote root growth, increase nutrient uptake and contribute to soil productivity – a perfect complement to any post-harvest nutrition program.
Why is post-harvest nutrition important?
When harvesting nuts, vital nutrients are removed from the tree—leaving the remaining plants and soil lacking for nitrogen, potassium, boron, zinc, phosphorus and other macro- and micronutrients. The plant moves remaining nutrients to the woody tissue, forming a food source to build the foundation for next season’s crop development.
Post-harvest nutrition:
Added impact of stress on almond trees
Almond trees suffer severe stress at harvest because of the lack of water, heat, and the stress caused from shaking. At the same time, due to the clearing of the orchard floor prior to harvest, the trees are lacking for organic matter vital to maintaining a productive soil.
IN-M1 is proven to:
To learn more about Inocucor Garden Solution, contact your Concentric Ag representative.
*IN-M1 is currently registered as Inocucor Garden Solution in the U.S. and Inocucor IN-M1 (0-0-0.2) Synergro in Canada.