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Biologicals, Biochemicals and Biopesticides: New Resources

Report from Clara Shelton, Marketing Communications Assistant

A recent article published on seeks to explain the differences in types of biopesticides and how they’re used in integrated pest management programs. Michael Larose, of BioSafe systems, explains that the shift to using fewer chemicals has been driven by consumer preference, regulations and the environment, and that lately there are more and more biological and biochemical tools at organic and conventional growers’ disposal.

He lists biopesticide categories, explaining the difference between biochemicals, microbial pesticides, and plant-incorporated-protectants before discussing the beneficial uses of biochemicals and biologicals together. He writes that this is “a major innovation in IPM” that is efficient for growers to implement and beneficial for soil, plants and the environment. While many other articles on this subject zoom out and look at the bigger picture, this article seeks to educate growers on the scientific details of these materials. Read more here.


Concentric (formerly Inocucor) is an agri-tech company that develops biological and essential plant nutrient inputs for specialty and broadacre crops. Its products target the entire phyto-microbiome: the seeds, plants, root systems and the soil surrounding them. Concentric is headquartered in Centennial, Colo. Its Canadian headquarters and Technical Center of Excellence is located in Montreal. Its commercial business unit, ATP Nutrition, is based in Manitoba, Canada.

For more information, visit and follow Concentric Ag on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram.
