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4 Reasons You Need a Post-Harvest Nutrition Plan

After the hard work of the harvest, it might feel like the perfect time to take a moment to relax. But a comprehensive post-harvest nutrition plan is an important step in getting a starter boost for the next season’s crops.

Four important reasons you should include post-harvest nutrition in your crop management plan include:

  • Maximizing early season growth potential
  • Giving the plant extra energy for bud break and shoot growth
  • Protecting against winter injury
  • Improving uniformity and fruit set

For trees and vines, post-harvest nutrition programs can be especially helpful in restoring healthy levels of nitrogen, boron, zinc, phosphorus and other macro- and micro-nutrients. The plant will move what nutrients remain to the woody tissue, helping it stay strong through the winter and prepare for the next season’s crop development.

Exact levels are difficult to recommend, as they vary greatly by crop, soil type, geography and other factors. Soil and tissue samples can indicate which nutrients are deficient.

While fertilizers might target specific micro- and macronutrients, biologicals are also a vital part of post-harvest nutrition plans. Biologicals like Concentric IN-M1 (SYNERGRO®, GARDEN SOLUTION®) help increase nutrient efficiency for some of the key post-harvest nutrients, including phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen and calcium, contributing to soil biology at a time when the plant must replenish critical crop nutrients.

Biologicals are an especially good choice in combination with other restorative farming practices, such as composting, no-till and cover crops, which help start the field at maximum health for the next planting.

Find out more.

When fruit is harvested, large amounts of vital nutrients go with it. Adding nutrition to the remaining plants and soil after harvest creates a “savings account” to start the next season with a solid foundation.


Concentric (formerly Inocucor) is an agri-tech company that develops biological and essential plant nutrient inputs for specialty and broadacre crops. Its products target the entire phyto-microbiome: the seeds, plants, root systems and the soil surrounding them. Concentric is headquartered in Centennial, Colo. Its Canadian headquarters and Technical Center of Excellence is located in Montreal. Its commercial business unit, ATP Nutrition, is based in Manitoba, Canada.

For more information, visit and follow Concentric Ag on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram.
