Soil Health gets a Scientific Definition
September 29th, 2017
Report from Clara Shelton, Marketing Communications Assistant
In a recent article published on, Wayne Honeycutt, President & CEO of the Soil Health Institute (SHI) introduces SHI's 19 “Tier 1” measurements for soil health. Soil health has been a buzz phrase in ag circles for some time, but the term has lacked clear, scientific indicators.
SHI knows that soil health efforts must be far-reaching, in terms of geographical areas and climates, so they have endeavored to create a list relevant to a wide range of growers. The indicators are broken down by category: physical, chemical and biological. Tier 2 and Tier 3 lists have been created as well, but those reflect specific regional issues and aspects of soil health processes that are not yet fully understood. Read the whole list and explanation here.