How to Drive Pollination with Plant Nutrition

Written on 06/24/2021

To boost yield at the flowering stage of the crop, we need to maximize pollination.

Two of the most important nutrients for pollination are Boron and Zinc. These nutrients are immobile in the plant, meaning they cannot be reallocated from older tissue to where they are required in the reproductive tissue. To ensure proper pollination and seed set to maximize yield, it is critical the crop is supplied with sufficient quantities of these nutrients at reproductive timing. 


Watch the video below to learn more about the essential nutrients at flowering timing:


Protect your yield - apply 42Phi alone or with your fungicide

42Phi is a novel NPK formulation with key micronutrients and NutriPhlo technology designed specifically for application at the reproductive stage to aid in flowering, pollination and seed set.

  • Novel formulation designed to be applied as a stand alone or synergistically with a fungicide
  • Designed specifically for each crop
  • Contains nutrients essential for maximizing flowering, pollination and seed set
  • Protects against yield loss
  • NutriPhlo Technology - phosphorus technology that improves uptake of essential nutrients into the plant


Is 42PHI compatible with your fungicide?

We have done extensive work with agro-chemicals and other fertilizer products to understand compatibility as well as best practices when mixing products. To view a complete list of compatible products, CLICK HERE. If you don’t see your fungicide, please contact your local rep and they will have your mix tested to ensure compatibility. 


If you have any questions about how 42PHI can fit into your nutritional plans this season, please contact your local ATP representative. 

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